Lucky there is a Family Guy
Lucky there's a man who
Positively can do
All the things that make us
!Laugh and cry
!He's... a.. Fam..ily... Guy
Learning a new language is a hard work. for everyone, in every country, with every language, and with every talent, it's hard and you must deal with it.
But I think the hardest part of learning a new language, is learning new words and vocabulary. There are a lot of methods for learning new vocabulary, but they just facilitate this process, they can't make it EASY but can make it EASIER. there is a lot of methods: Leitner system, Travel method, the concept/element, WLCR, Get them all, Flashcarding, Stickies, and Work in a Context. but I have my personal method for learning new vocabulary: Family Guy method.
In this method, you need a PC, a chapter of Family Guy, English subtitle of that chapter, a notebook, a dictionary, and finally, a pen.
:) .So, Let's start using this awesome, unique, and funny method
Open the movie in KM Player, drag subtitle into it (I use KM, you can use another player) and wait for starting the movie. In the first step, you just have to enjoy the music video of Family Guy. Set subtitle font at the smallest size and then, enjoy the movie, It's the most important tip in this method, YOU MUST ENJOY.
Listen carefully to dialogs, at first, don't read the subtitle, you must understand the dialogs without reading the subtitle. when you are desperate to understand the dialogs, replay the scene, and listen more and more carefully, after that, you can read the subtitle. Remember, the subtitle is just an answer sheet and we don't want to find answers from answer sheet, it's our last option. When you find a new word in the subtitle, open the dictionary, check the word, tick it, and if it's a keyword, mark it.
Now, repeat the scene again and again and again and finally, you will learn the new word very deep. In this method, sometimes watching a chapter will take 2-3 hours. But in every method, learning new words takes time.
When you learn a new word in this method, you have a story behind that word, you have a picture and a story in your mind. So forgetting words is very infrequent and scarce.
Tip: You can watch another movie in Family Guy method, but anyway, it is Family Guy method.